Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Why People Opt for Government Jobs in India?

With a population of 1.2 billion, the demand for jobs in India is extremely high. The demand for jobs increases exponentially with the increase in population. There are plenty of Public sector jobs, also known as Government jobs, and Private sector jobs available in India. There are several divisions within the Public sector like transport, tourism, agriculture, finance and so on. The youth of today are facing a great dilemma in choosing between Government and Private sector jobs. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of Private sector jobs include better salaries, opportunities for faster growth, better job satisfaction among other benefits. Public sector jobs tend to be more secure, laid-back and generally have better perks. 

In the current age of economic crisis, Government jobs are becoming more sought after mainly for the job security. Another advantage with Government jobs in India is that they offer good retirement benefits like pension, PF for all the employees who have served for a long time. This acts as the main source of income after retirement for a large number of people. In addition to this Government employees get a lot of travel and healthcare benefits. Government jobs are also extremely flexible with maternity leaves, sick leaves and also provide paid vacations.

Job security and flexibility comes with a price. The main disadvantage of Government jobs in India is the very low salaries. Other disadvantages include working hours, politics and very few opportunities for growth and advancement. Most of the employees end up retiring in the same position after working for years together. They lack motivation and drive because they are paid irrespective of their performances. The Government jobs in India tend to have bad work environments.

But with the recent developments in the economy, Government jobs are becoming better. They are trying to match the pay provided by Private jobs. The Government is making efforts to improve the working environment and is also increasing the opportunity for growth. All these are making people opt for Government jobs. One still must carefully weigh the pros and cons before taking up Government jobs in India.

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