Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Government Jobs – An Allure for the Masses

Jobs in the Government – A Mirage in the Desert

The government is a vast arena that comprises of multitudes of ministries, departments, central and state government where major decisions regarding the operations of the country as a whole are taken in the corridors of power of the government. Even today, government jobs in India hold an allure that is difficult to suppress. One of the significant reasons why people still prefer government jobs is that they are assured of a secure job throughout the lives. Further, employees in the government sector are entitled to free medical aid and a comfortable pension that would help them sustain themselves in their old age. However, employees who have joined in the year 2002 are not entitled to any pension. Yet, the three arms of the armed forces are still entitled to a life-long pension. Despite this fact, people still prefer to join the government, albeit it is not easy to get jobs in India with the government.

Pitfalls in Obtaining a Government Job

There are several reasons that may be assigned for people not being able to get a job with the government. One of the most significant reasons is that the candidates have to appear for competitive examinations that are held by a centralized employment agency such as the Union Public Service Commission or Public Service Commission in other states where the norms of selection are not uniform. Further, the delay involved between the candidate’s applying for a job to time of appointment is enervating for the candidate and he loses the enthusiasm in getting the job with the government. One of the other reasons for landing a job with the government is the reservation policy of the government which creates obstacles for the candidate as a majority of the jobs are reserved exclusively for various categories such as Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and the Other Backward Classes who are offered the job sometimes when they do not fulfill the criteria specified for the job.

These reasons are sufficient to deter a person from seeking a job in the government and attempts to explore options in the corporate sector.

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