Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Unemployment – A Daunting Challenge

Unemployment – An out of the ordinary Situation

The period between the 1970’s to the end of the millennium year was a difficult and trying time for the countless population of the country. Unemployment was one of the major challenges staring in the face of the government in power. In those days, jobs were scarce and the people look for jobs were innumerable. This led to widespread unrest and people became wary of the unemployment situation that loomed large. It was not only the entire population of the country was suffering due to fewer government jobs in India being made available for the lucky few. The unemployment situation in the country worsened since there were hardly any jobs in India even in the companies in the corporate sector and the situation starting getting out of control. With some many people without jobs, it also affected the law and order situation in the country since without adequate jobs in India it was becoming increasingly difficult for people to sustain themselves without financial support and would resort to crime.

The Dynamic Transition

It was during the first decade of the year 2000 when the situation changed diametrically with mass computerization coming up not only in the companies in the private sector, but the government also became aware of the benefits of computerization. During the first decade, there were enormous changes in the economic condition of the country when the government announced liberalization allowing foreign companies from abroad to invest in the country. This liberal attitude brought in a sea change in the industrial health of the country which led to a robust economy in the country. This transition was best demonstrated towards the end of the first decade when advanced and developed countries the world over such as United States, United Kingdom, countries in the European continent and the Orient were facing acute recession, India displayed its thriving economy, which resulted in the country becoming one of the major survivors of the global recession.

The resilience of the economic status, if it continues at its present momentum, would ensure that there would be positive results in the near future.

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